Unveiling of the new garden.
Good Morning Bloggers. On Monday the 4th of November we had an opening for a special garden and people from different culture. So let's get right in to it, so on Monday afternoon we normally have singing assembly but this time we had a singing assembly but we had a short one. We normally have a couple songs that we need to work on but we only had one song and it was called Waikowhai's school song ( made by one of the student's Mum), well we didn't really need to work on it but we had to practice it before we opened the new garden. Then we came outside and sat down like we sat down in the hall for singing then as we sang the song, the student's mum that made the song was there to see how we had improved. We surprised her with a small gift of flowers then the oldest and youngest students of the school, came up and cut the ribbon for the garden. Then lastly we revealed the people of different cultures. Bye Bloggers - blog ya later. Here are some photos.
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