
Showing posts from September, 2018

waikowhai intermediate school

Waikowhai intermediate Dress rehearsals    hey bloggers, JD here. Today me had to  blog about a show from waikowhai intermediate from yesterday. The way that we was going to waikowhai intermediate, in bus we could of walk because we didn't have enough bus to go. But then waikowhai intermediate send, us another bus so we can go in the bus and walk everyone was happy that we didn't have to walk. And when we got there, there was different dances, songs, and more  my favourite one was this street dance  group And the reason why because they were doing the best dance ever and one of them was the  and after the show we went back to school we had to use debono thinking hats to show understanding and evaluate so what we had to do is we have six thinking hats  one of them was about information another one was the good things that was happening and another one is the negative things that happen and another one was how did you feel when and what was ...


HI bloggers. Last week we had to look after eggs for one whole week. We had to bring it were ever we go. It was hard for some people,they had to leave it at home.It was sad because so people had to go to cross country zones but when the they thought that they were out of the competition but when they ask the teacher they that you were not out yet then mostly everyone left there egg at home so your mums and dad to egg sit it but when the teacher heard then he said your parents can only egg sit your egg when you have something on. Then most of the people were out and then the last day and we had to keep our egg alive when it is 3:00 but our teacher said that when we were packing up she was writing the people names who's  egg survive on the white board and I was one of them and I was so happy and the other people happy as well  and if your egg survive the whole week then you will get pizza on week ten Friday thanks for listening hope you enjoyed it  bye.  THE ...
ART  Hey bloggers, last week Hauraki had to make painting about New Zealand native birds like the tui kiwi owl kea pukeko and a   and my one was an owl. We had to make it for Waikowhai  Primary art show. My class and other classes in Te waka ako were doing different things like Waitemata doing birds in different shapes. Manukau was making fish out of balloons and then they put paper that has glue over the balloons, and then the balloons were glued on hardboard so just the paper facing up then they had to paint it.then they had to design it like the eyes and mouth and the fins. 

Maori feelings

Maori feelings  HI bloggers. In Hauraki class our teacher set use a task for use to do.  we had to make a DLO about Maori feelings  and we had to learn other, feelings and it was hard to remember them all so we ask the teacher for so help and we had to be in partners. And we got choose what we got to work on. Me and my  partner James was working on a google slide. If you want to check it out press the link below here bye blog ya later.
technology  rotation  Hi bloggers,  Te Waka Ako was doing a technology rotation and it was so fun and in hurakai, was making geoboards. waitamata was making something to hold a marble and manukau you had to make circuits of electricity,and my first one was making geoboards. step 1 we had to saw wood  step 2 then we had to make the piece 2 cm going down and 2 cm going across with pencil  step 3 then we had to mark it with a marker  step 4 after that then you have to have get a hammer and nails  then you hammer it on the dots    here is a photo